So who the heck am I? And what is this website all about? Good questions, and this FAQ will answer those (and a whole lot more). Here we go:

Who is “TraderScooter”?

TraderScooter is me. My name is Scott, and I am one guy who has successfully traded the corporate life for self employment. Scooter is my nickname, so that’s where the brand name came from.

This website is not run by a team of people. All of the words, thoughts, and ideas you see here came straight from one guy (me) with a passion to succeed on his own and without anyone to answer to.

What is this “TraderScooter” thing all about?

Basically, I was a corporate drone who was sick of it all and was determined to become self-employed. This entire brand was created to document the process (even though I haven’t done very good job of doing that).

How did I become self-employed?

I achieved this goal through a combination of two things:

I also used to be a very active stock photography producer, but increased competition has pushed me out the market and it’s no longer a lucrative business for me. But to this day, that was my largest and most successful online business yet.

Documenting my own personal experiences through my websites and YouTube channels is the core of my business.

How many websites do I have?

Including this one, I actively work on 7 websites (3 of which have active social media accounts and YouTube channels).

All are fully developed, and some are much bigger than others. Some don’t even generate any income at all. All are based on my biggest passions in life, so it’s fun and easy to keep creating content.

How many employees do I have?

I do everything myself. I outsource nothing. And because I’m creating content based on my own real world experiences, I have no use for AI.

How much money per month am I making now?

Enough to have a decently middle class lifestyle here in Southern California. Be sure to read my 2023 annual business review to get a better sense of where that income is coming from…